2024 SB report (HubSpot)

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Logisyn and Ti-Insight continue our partnership with our newest report, which offers a comprehensive analysis of Mexico’s pivotal role in North American trade and examines the impact of near-shoring in a post-COVID economic landscape. Experts explore key trends within the transportation and logistics sector and offer perspectives on the Southern Border region's trajectory. By leveraging our knowledge base, we aim to help entrepreneurs assess potential growth opportunities along the Southern border and provide guidance on optimizing outcomes for their businesses.

Logistics Growth Opportunities on the US / Mexico Border:

  • Industry Trends
  • Overview of the Southern Border
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
  • Infrastructure Bill
  • Nearshoring Trends
  • Maquiladoras / IMMEX
  • Technology Opportunities
  • Market Map of Key Players
  • Retailer / Manufacturer Investments in the Border Region
  • Leading Logistics Companies with Coverage
  • Southbound Activity
  • M&A Transaction History 2020-2024
  • Breakdown of Top 10 Mexico Logistics Companies
  • Outlook and Expectations from Logisyn and Ti's experts

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